
ASU Launches 9th Advanced Leadership Initiative Cohort

The latest cohort embarks on a transformative journey, building skills and connections to lead ASU into the future.
A gold flag flying near streetlights and a modern building with blue-tinted windows under a partly cloudy sky.

By: Nathan Lyon | Web & Content Assistant

As the fall academic semester comes to an end, nominated faculty and staff leaders at Arizona State University gear up for a 6-month hands-on leadership development program preparing them for long-term leadership roles.

The Advanced Leadership Initiative (ALI) is an executive leadership initiative dedicated to developing and supporting proven leaders who can sustainably advance ASU as a Public Enterprise. Fellows in the program include school directors, unit leadership and other high-potential individuals within the university. ALI, along with the ASU Leadership Academy and Launching Leaders Program, is one of three leadership development programs managed by the University Design Institute.

The ninth cohort of the program includes 18 leaders from across the university. The program will provide participants with a hands-on journey focused on leadership excellence within the living laboratory of ASU. Through three immersive and interactive workshops and professional executive coaching, participants engage directly with senior leaders, gaining unique insights into university operations and strategy. The cohort benefits from sessions with the executive administration at ASU and shadowing leaders across campus. Upon completion, the cohort will join a network of 100+ alumni. They learn from trailblazers who have led transformative initiatives and built innovative relationships with peers dedicated to advancing ASU’s mission.


Meet Cohort XI of the Advanced Leadership Initiative

Lena Booth

Deputy Dean, Thunderbird Academic Enterprise and Finance Professor, Thunderbird School of Global Management

Quintin Boyce

Associate VP of Outreach, Educational Outreach and Student Services

Christin Burek

Assistant Vice President Supply Chain, Deputy Chief Procurement Officer, ASU Business and Finance

Leah Doane

Associate Dean of Graduate Initiatives, The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Professor, Department of Psychology

Kate Eaton

Associate Dean and Clinical Professor, W.P. Carey School of Business 

Dawn Gilpin

Associate Professor and Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Affairs, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Meredyth Hendricks

Associate Vice President of Career and Professional Learning, Learning Enterprise

Amalia Pallares

Vice Provost for Inclusive Excellence, Office of University Provost; Professor, School of Transborder Studies

Shannon Portillo

Director and Lattie and Elva Coor Presidential Chair, School of Public Affairs

Eusebio Scornavacca

Director and Professor, School for the Future of Innovation in Society (SFIS), College of Global Futures

Heather Smith-Cannoy

Director, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Professor of Political Science

Forrest Solis

Director and Associate Professor, School of Art, Herberger Institute of Design and the Arts

Binil Starly

Director and Professor, School of Manufacturing Systems and Networks, Fulton Schools of Engineering

Nicole Thompson

Vice Dean & Professor, Teacher Preparation, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College


Nate Wade

Associate Vice President and Chief of Staff, Office of the Chief Operating Officer

Kristen Will

Associate Dean and Clinical Professor, College of Health Solutions; Associate Dean, ASU School of Medicine and Advanced Medical Engineering


Nicole Woodrick

Chief of Staff, Office of the Executive Vice President, Knowledge Enterprise

Erin Yunt

Associate Vice President, Executive Administration

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