The University Design Institute worked with the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) as part of a year-long Design Accelerator to address challenges that included student success initiatives, programmatic design and pathways to completion, and organizational design and culture.

Presented with the goal of building a comprehensive system for higher education institutions to foster pathways for youth employment, UDI supported the establishment and activation of a unique alliance of 7 universities and 7 Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) centers in Ethiopia.

Universidad de Guadalajara (UdeG) is working with UDI to advance digital learning at scale. The engagement began with 2800+ professors, representing UdeG’s 17 academic units/campuses, were trained to teach digitally, using a foundational course designed to support improvement in learning outcomes using technology.

UDI is helping The Sonora State University (UES) in Mexico to develop a new online learning platform to meet unprecedented demand for higher education for degree-seeking students and adult learners pursuing continuing education studies. 

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