Impact Story:

Addressing systems-level challenges with the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education

Design Accelerator

Learn more about the Design Accelerator.

The University Design Institute worked with the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PASSHE) as part of a year-long accelerator. The system selected four institutions — Millersville, Slippery Rock, Shippensburg, and PennWest — to participate in a 2022 pilot of the Design Accelerator. More than 30 executive leaders participated in the pilot and the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of the system had direct input and involvement. Challenges addressed included student success initiatives, programmatic design and pathways to completion, and organizational design and culture.

Systems-level impact

Comprised of 14 institutions throughout the state, PASSHE enrolls the largest number of Pennsylvania residents among all four-year colleges and universities in Pennsylvania. UDI worked with four institutions in the system to address specific challenges for each institution that would advance impactful change across the wider system.




“The (University Design Institute’s) Design Accelerator not only catalyzes creativity, it provides a reliable process — a playbook — for how to tackle the thorny challenges facing higher education.”

Dr. Dan GreensteinChancellor, Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education