
Global Design Experts

UDI Global Fellows and Experts-in-Residence include university and foundation administrators, senior scholars, policy-makers and partner industry executives motivated by grand challenges and pressing trends in higher education. 

Additionally, UDI brings unique value to the university design journey by leveraging more than 20+ years of innovation experience and associated experts within the living laboratory of Arizona State University.

UDI Global Fellows


  Ashish Vaidya

Ashish Vaidya

President and CEO, Growing Inland Achievement

Former President, Northern Kentucky University

  Philip Cotton

Philip Cotton

Vice Chancellor, University of Global Health Equity, Rwanda

  Sir Malcolm Grant

Sir Malcolm Grant

Former Chancellor, University of York

Former President and Provost, University College London

  Brian MacCraith

Brian MacCraith

Former President, Dublin City University

  Ihron Rensburg

Ihron Rensburg

Former Vice-Chancellor and Principal, University of Johannesburg

Chairperson, UNESCO South Africa National Commission

  Jeff Selingo

Jeff Selingo

Former Editor, Chronicle of Higher Education

Special Advisor to the President, ASU


  Reynaldo B. Vea

Reynaldo B. Vea

Chairman & CEO, iPeople Inc.

Former President, Mapúa University

Experts in Residence

  Meredith Woo

Meredith Woo

Senior Fellow, University Design Institute

Professor of Practice, School of Politics and Global Studies, ASU

  David Rosowsky

David Rosowsky

Senior Fellow, University Design Institute

Senior Advisor to the President, ASU

  Rick Shangraw

Rick Shangraw

Senior Fellow, University Design Institute

President, Cintana Education

  Lev Gonick

Lev Gonick

Chief Information Officer, ASU

  Jeff Goss

Jeff Goss

Associate Vice Provost & Executive Director, Global Outreach and Extended Education, ASU

  Paola Garcia Hidalgo

Paola Garcia Hidalgo

Senior Director, Mexico Affairs, ASU

  Sean Hobson

Sean Hobson

Chief Design Officer, EdPlus @ ASU

  Kim Merritt

Kim Merritt

Vice President, ASU Learning Enterprise

  Grace O’Sullivan

Grace O’Sullivan

Vice President, ASU Knowledge Enterprise

  Duke Reiter

Duke Reiter

Senior Advisor to the President

Executive Director, University City Exchange, ASU

  Julia Rosen

Julia Rosen

Vice President, ASU Global Academic Initiatives

  Mark Searle

Mark Searle

Provost Emeritus and University Professor, School of Community Resources & Development, ASU

  Ryan Shaw

Ryan Shaw

Managing Director, Strategic Initiatives

Senior University Advisor