
University Design Institute™ launches the 12th cohort of the ASU Leadership Academy

This cohort welcomes 34 ASU leaders.

View of the ASU monument sign on its Tempe campus

As the Fall 2024 semester at Arizona State University (ASU) kicks off, so does a new cohort of the Leadership Academy, which seeks to nurture and empower 34 ASU leaders this year.

This is the 12th cohort of the Leadership Academy at ASU. The Academy is one of three leadership development programs managed by the University Design Institute, including the Advanced Leadership Initiative and the Launching Leaders Program. To date, these programs have supported the professional development of more than 600 leaders from across Arizona State University. 

The Leadership Academy aims to build capacity in ASU faculty and staff leaders to support the charter and the design of the institution through a year-long experience. The program focuses on expanding understanding of ASU and its enterprise model, building and strengthening leadership skills and creating a university-wide network for participants.  

The latest cohort of Leadership Academy participants has 34 leaders including professors, directors and deans. Each of these participants was nominated by ASU’s senior leadership to participate in the program. 

Core components of the program include three off-site workshops, each spanning two days, featuring sessions covering topics relevant to leadership at the individual, team, and enterprise levels. Cohort XII kicked off their Leadership Academy journey in August 2024, where they took an introspective approach to leadership, honing in on their individual leadership capabilities, outlining their leadership aspirations, and coming up with a game plan for how to get there.

During the first workshop, participants explored ASU’s values through discussions around the Charter and Design Aspirations, their personal values, how to stay true to them, and how to actualize them in their work. Individuals worked on the nine-dimensions of leadership at ASU, evaluating opportunities to strengthen their expression of these dimensions. Cohort members spent time individually digesting their 360 report, where peers, direct reports, and supervisors provided constructive feedback along leadership dimensions. In addition, they formed their peer coaching groups. Composed of three to four cohort members, peer groups serve as support along their leadership journey.  The workshop concluded with each participant creating a leadership game plan, with action sprints for the next year. 

The second workshop, scheduled for January, will focus on leading within a team setting. Participants will engage in sessions on leading change, facing challenges, and setting up the team for success, among other topics. Emphasizing leadership at the enterprise level during the third workshop in May, participants will focus on mapping individual and university networks and learn how to leverage these networks to navigate ASU as leaders.

Finally, participants anchor their learning to a leadership activity that is designed in partnership with their supervisors and unit leadership. The activity matures and grows as a result of the learning, networking, and overall development that occurs during the year. Many leadership activities have gone on to produce a variety of incredible impacts at multiple levels of the university. 

Read more about each of the participants of Cohort XII below, and stay tuned for more updates on their program! 

Melissa Bakutis

Director of Infrastructure and Service Operations, Systems & Strategy


Christofer Bang

Teaching Professor, Associate Director of Instructional Faculty, School of Life Sciences


Oliver Beckstein

Professor, Department of Physics


Natasha Behl

Director, New College Anti-Racism Council; Director, M.A. in Social Justice and Human Rights; Associate Professor, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences


Jason Bronowitz

Associate Director for Academic Excellence, Associate Teaching Professor, The Polytechnic School, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering


Keith Brown

Center Director and Professor, School of Politics and Global Studies

Director and Professor, Melikian Center


Jason Bruner

Director of Desert Humanities Initiative, Professor, School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies


David Burel

Faculty Head and Clinical Assistant Professor, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts


Rafael De Luna

Director, FDM Capital Program Management Group


Melanie Dean

Senior Director, LCME Accreditation, Office of University Provost 


Tyler DesRoches

Deputy Director, Student Success, Associate Professor, Sustainability and Human Well-Being, School of Sustainability


Daniel Drane

Dean of Student Affairs, Dean of Students - Polytechnic Administration


Ruben Espinosa

Director, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Professor, English


Lisa Falkner

Executive Director, Student Experience, Watts College


Robert Kirsch

Assistant Professor, College of Integrated Sciences and Arts


Hazel Kwon

Professor, Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication


Daniel Mazzola

Director and Assistant Chair, Clinical Professor, Department of Information Systems, W. P. Carey School of Business


Dawn McClain

Director, Operations Project Management


Terrilyn McCoy

Clinical Assistant Professor, Educational Leadership, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College


Lisa Murphy

Senior Director, Academic Services, College of Global Futures


Lenora Ott

Director, Learning Design, Universal Learner Courses, ASU Learning Enterprise


Cindy Parnell

Chief of Public Service, Director for ASU's Public Service Academy, Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions


Francisco Pedraza

Associate Professor, School of Politics and Global Studies

Associate Director, Center for Latina/os and American Politics Research


Margarita Pivovarova

Associate Director, Doctoral Programs, Associate Professor, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College


Dipak Purbey

Senior Director Information Technology Services, Solutions Engineering, EdPlus at ASU


Daniel Rivera

Professor, School for Engineering of Matter, Transport, and Energy


Julia Sarreal

Interim Director and Associate Professor, School of Humanities, Arts and Cultural Studies


Ina Seok

Director, Student Success Center


Lanelle Strawder

Assistant Director, Marketing & Communications, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering


Karen Sung

Chief Strategy Officer, Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law


Yi-Chun Sunny Kuo

Assistant Dean of Recruitment, Admissions and Global Outreach, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts


Sharon Teo-Gooding

Associate Director and Professor, The Sidney Poitier New American Film School


Christy Till

Associate Professor, School Of Earth and Space Exploration


Brenna Tonelli

Director of Student Recruitment, Edson College - Student Services


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